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Salli-ann Cook - Love to Sew: Pincushions MOBI, DOC, FB2


Everyone who sews needs a pincushion and Salli-Ann Cook has designed twenty that are funny, quirky, whimsical or bizarre. Choose from a mini monster, a Christmas pudding, a Halloween pumpkin, a fried egg, a voodoo doll and more, and all the projects are easy to make with only basic sewing skills and leftover scraps of fabric., Sewing is popular with all ages at present and this new series, Love to Sew, focuses on the latest hot trends. The 64 page square format gives us room for twenty projects, with some step by step pictures. Anyone who sews needs a pincushion; it is an essential part of the kit, so they make great gifts. They are easy to make with only basic sewing skills and can be shaped into practically anything. They are small enough to be made from recycled fabrics or offcuts, and can be embellished with buttons, beads, ribbons or lace. Salli-Ann shows her flair for making funny, cute, vintage, whimsical or weird objects from fabric, in these desirable pincushion projects. All the techniques are shown in a mini-project and include transferring the design, using fusible web, applying decorative effects, sewing together, stuffing and closing. Projects include a mini monster, Union Jack pillow, cup cake, Christmas pudding, Halloween pumpkin, fried egg, voodoo doll, flat cat, wristwatch, magician's hat and heart. These brilliant pincushions will brighten up any sewing box or bag; patterns and templates are included., The pincushion is an essential part of any sewing kit, and this book offers 20 easy-to-make cushions that require only basic machine-sewing skills and can be shaped into practically anything. They are small enough to be made from recycled fabrics or remnants, and can be embellished with buttons, beads, ribbons, or lace. The styles cover a broad rangefunny, cute, vintage, whimsical, and weirdand instructions are provided on how to transfer the design, use fusible web, cut out the pieces of fabric, apply decorative effects, sew together, stuff, and close. Projects include a mini monster, a Union Jack pillow, a cupcake, a Christmas pudding, a Halloween pumpkin, a fried egg, a voodoo doll, a flat cat, a wristwatch, a magician's hat, and a heart. These clever pincushions will brighten up any sewing box or bag.

Love to Sew: Pincushions read online book MOBI, DOC

Created with intuitive graphics that are easy to follow, The No Time to Cook!Using a highly visual approach, this section enables them to follow a project from start to finish through concisely captioned step-by-step photos., Few building materials can match tile for durability, beauty, design � and increasingly, popularity.Throughout, the book is packed with helpful tips, lists, and quick solutions to the problems you're most likely to encounter.Maya draws on her diverse background and Mediterranean roots to bring you amazing flavors and approachable techniques, plus a dazzling photograph for every recipe.You'll also learn how to control Minecraft's Steve with a joystick and how to build a Minecraft house with a Pi, and even how to control a LEGO train with a Pi.Given the right care, they all have the potential to grace a home for a long time.Created for new-to-sewing crafters who have little or no experience in hand stitching or using a sewing machine, each project offers clear instructions and everything readers need to stitch something they are sure to love.Threads Selects booklets are available for sewing, knitting, crocheting, jewelry-making, cake decorating, and so much more - all from the experts at Threads and The Taunton Press.An exclusive, subject-based topical chain reference system.Learn about this new method along with 28 reversible squares suitable for afghans or other items, make one of the 10 projects that use them, or find inspiration to design your own!How do you use those buttons and modes to take the photos you want?What's Inside Master sbt's loosely coupled libraries Effectively manage dependencies Automate and simplify your builds Customize builds and tasks About the Reader Readers should be comfortable reading Scala code.